Monday, November 19, 2007

Walk Your Way to Wellness

As the Holidays approach remember to take care of your self. BREATHE WALK GET OUTSIDE.

Walking is always available and a free form of exercise. Short (10 minute) bouts of brisk walking, three times a day add up to the 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise you need each day. According to the American Heart Association of the benefits of daily physical activity are:

  • Improves blood flow throughout the body

  • Helps manage stress and releases tension

  • Improves your ability to fall asleep quickly and sleep well

  • Counters anxiety and depression and increases enthusiasm and optimism

  • Boosts energy level and thereby helps normalize weight

  • Increases muscle strength and the ability to do other physical activities

  • Provides a way to share an activity with family and friends
So this Thanks Giving spend some time walking outside with friends.
A great stress reducer!

Be thankful for the love and light in your life.
Be Well

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